Our Coast - Our Lifestyle

Have your say on the Our Coast - Our Lifestyle Strategic Plan

Burdekin Shire Council would like to invite community members, businesses, and landowners to have their say on the draft Strategic Plan for the Our Coast – Our Lifestyle program. The Strategic Plan is an initiative of the Burdekin Shire Council to help Council make informed decisions about how to manage and adapt to current and future coastal hazard impacts on our coastline and communities.

Most local Burdekin residents understand the serious and costly impact of cyclones and big storms that leave our coasts ravaged by erosion and temporary tidal inundation. While these are not new impacts, we know that they are likely to increase in severity and frequency in the future. We want to ensure we are in the best position possible to protect the community and essential community infrastructure.

Coastal hazards include erosion of our sandy coastlines, and short or long-term inundation of low-lying areas by seawater. The draft Plan assesses the potential vulnerability of assets, such as property, infrastructure, and land (agricultural, cultural and environmental areas), to coastal hazards using Queensland Government determined guidelines. The Plan refines coastal hazard information and mapping previously publicly released by the Queensland Government.

The Strategic Plan also outlines high level strategies for Council and provides guidance for other property and asset owners to help increase the resilience of our coastline over the next 80 years.

Click here to download a full copy of the draft Our Coast – Our Lifestyle Strategic Plan.

Click the links below to view specific sections of the Plan:

  • Chapter 1 & 2: See how the Strategic Plan was developed
  • Chapter 3: See what coastal hazards have been identified for the Burdekin region
  • Chapter 4 & 5: Read about Burdekin Shire Council’s approach to adaptation, including a framework for shared responsibilities, adaptation responses and options
  • To look at summaries for specific localities with tailored adaptation actions for different communities click on the links below:

There are two ways to submit your feedback:

Send a formal submission with your comments directly to the Project Team at ourcoast@burdekin.qld.gov.au
Submit a public comment
by clicking the HAVE YOUR SAY button below.

Public consultation will close at midnight on Monday 25th January 2021.

Submit a Public Comment

To add a public comment on the Draft Strategic Plan, click the HAVE YOUR SAY button.

Project Overview

Burdekin Shire Council has created this website as part of theOur Coast - Our Lifestyle project. This website will help us to engage with local communities and interested stakeholders about the future of our coast.

Through this project, we aim to better understand coastal hazards and how our community values the Burdekin Shire coast.

The Burdekin Shire coastline holds a diversity of landscape features. These include networks of creeks, floodplains, inlets, estuaries, marshes, wetlands, and sandy beaches. The coastal zone supports a range of cultural, economic and environmental values. Traditional Owners, local communities, and visitors all value the coastline.

Coastlines are dynamic and change with every tide and storm event. Naturally occurring wind and wave processes shape the unique landforms of each coastal region. Sometimes, these erosion and storm-tide events have the potential to negatively impact on infrastructure, public safety, and natural assets. When they effect our communities, they become coastal hazards.The area of coast vulnerable to these hazards is expected to increase in the future with a changing climate.

Burdekin Shire Council have commenced the development of the Our Coast - Our Lifestyle project . The project will seek to mitigate the impact of coastal hazards while protecting our region's values and character. The project will run for 12 months throughout 2019 and 2020. As part of this process Council commit to:

  • Engaging with the community to develop a shared understanding of coastal values
  • Holding community workshops where the project team will be available to answer questions about the process
  • Raising awareness about coastal hazard risks, now and in the future
  • Identifying effective and innovative adaption responses to coastal hazards.

Have your say on the Our Coast – Our Lifestyle Strategic Plan

Burdekin Shire Council would like to invite community members, businesses, and landowners to have their say on the draft Strategic Plan for the Our Coast – Our Lifestyle program. Public consultation closes on Monday 25th January 2021. You can submit your feedback and comments by emailing the project team directly at ourcoast@burdekin.qld.gov.au, or by via the website burdekincoast.engagementhub.com.au/our-coast-our-lifestyle.

Project Update 5 - May - June 2020

In this update, find out how recent technical work will inform the Our Coast - Our Lifestyle strategy. Learn how the team will continue to navigate the challenges posed by COVID-19 for community and stakeholder consultation. Click here to read the latest project update.

  • Phase One

    Plan for life-of-project stakeholder communication and engagement

  • Phase Two

    Scope coastal hazard issues for the area of interest

  • Phase Three

    Identify areas exposed to current and future coastal hazards

  • Phase Four

    Identify key assets potentially impacted

  • Phase Five

    Undertake a risk assessment of key assets in coastal hazard areas

  • Phase Six

    Identify potential adaptation options

  • Phase Seven

    Socio-economic appraisal of adaptation options

  • Phase Eight

    Strategy development, implementation and review

The QCoast2100 Program

The Burdekin Shire Our Coast - Our Lifestyle strategy is being developed with the support of the Queensland Government and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), as part of the state-wide QCoast2100 program. The project has eight key phases, encompassing a series of studies that seek to:

  • Identify coastal hazard areas (areas prone to coastal erosion and storm tide inundation)
  • Understand vulnerabilities and risks to a range of assets (built and natural assets)
  • Engage with the community to understand preferred approaches to adaptation
  • Determine the costs, priorities and timeframes for implementation of actions.

For more information about the QCoast2100 program CLICK HERE


Pin Your Ideas on an Interactive Map

  • Burdekin Shire coast

    What do you value about our coastline, estuaries and waterways? What are your experiences of coastal erosion and storm tide inundation? Choose a marker to map your stories and photos.